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They are just numbers that may change your view of the reality around you
- NASA's daily budget is $ 52 million to keep you blind and see the universe with her eyes.
- All that has been discovered from the depths of the ocean so far does not exceed 5%, so expect many surprises that will come from under the surface of the water.
- How many lightning and thunderbolts that strike the surface of the earth daily, enough energy for humans for a year, and the least lightning bolt has a strength of one million volts.
- The pollution resulting from the dung of cattle producing meat and dairy is equivalent to 4 times the pollution of all human cars and factories.
- The thickness of the atmosphere with all its gases is only 300 km high from the earth's surface.
- 4 liters of pure sterile saliva flow from your mouth every day to kill most germs, viruses and microorganisms that contaminate your food and drink, in addition to moisturizing and cleansing your digestive system.
- The price of a military tank is enough to set up a school with its expenses sufficient for a period of 10 years.
- What has been discovered of Indonesian forest organisms so far does not exceed 4%, and every year the discovery of insects, animals and birds of more than 1000 species is documented.
- Some tribes of Central Africa, the dowry of a female is cows, and the minimum number that a female of these tribes can marry is not less than 35 cows, and the larger the female's buttocks, the greater the number of cows.
Human beings cannot live without water for more than 3 days and a week without food, noting that the percentage of water in the human body is 71%.
What you consume annually of food, drink and clothing can be produced from only 2 acres.
- The human mind performs arithmetic operations daily, estimated at 18,000 operations per day, some of which are biological, and the other is a reflection of the surrounding environment. During sleep, these operations do not exceed 16 operations only.
- The age of the fly is only 14 days, and if it becomes two months, the flies can cover the whole earth with a cover of 2 meters in thickness. With this short age, the female flies can produce 80,000 eggs.
- Scientists from one of the countries created a poison that one drop of it can kill at least 3000 people if it is thrown into one of the drinking water treatment plants.
- The human female does not produce more than 300 eggs, unlike the male, he can produce 100 million sperm in one ejaculation, and there are medical banks to preserve sperm, provided that the donation does not exceed twice a month.
- The sudden pumping of adrenaline into the body gives the human body strength that makes it able to carry 2 tons with ease, but unfortunately this case only occurs when humans are terrified, so the reaction of fear may be fatal, so do not frighten people, as you may have paid a price for your life for a joke.
These were some of the numbers around us, most of which you will soon forget, and some of them relate to your awareness until your departure from here.
Finally, you and those around you are nothing but a group of numbers between zero and one. If you realize this equation, you can understand the Matrix and control it, but it will not be easy unless you are free of awareness and trust in yourself.
May you rest in peace
# The lost consciousness
#Nabil Kamal


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