Humans do not realize that most of them receive their consciousness from the black sun, which exploits the least moving and interactive element of the universe, which is dirt. Its symbol is the Hexa cube, which is embodied in every black cube, and its function is to imprison consciousness.
The power of the black sun works to determine the spiritual powers of human beings, distort their instinct, and feed their egos with force. Each of them realizes and believes that he is the most fortunate in knowing the correct way to ascend, but rather he must impose his convictions on others, even by force, so that the word of the Lord, who failed to gather his worshipers on one word, will prevail.
Every god of the higher beings possesses this hell for non-believers, and of course they all claim to possess heaven for those who obeyed and threw their crown under the feet of their Lord, asking for mercy.
The masters exploit the natural laws of the universe because they are in control of them, and usually the masters do not respond to the slaves' request to use the law through an intermediary instead of relying on themselves.
In the coming period, the power of the black sun will weaken so that the earth will enter a new stellar stage, which is the highest in light and energy in nearly 13 thousand years, and the false claims of the gods will be exposed, and their control over human consciousness will be erased.
Only those with consciousness know who the black sun is and are freed from its dark power that feeds on fear, pain and blood sacrifices.
the black sun is Saturn
I hope the light reaches your sky
# Lost Consciousness
# Nabil Kamal