The giant Las Vegas ball that dazzles worldly people
It is just an embassy for the pagan Dogon religion
The word Sphere is essentially a coded sentence made up of the letter S, which is the interiority of the descent of the serpent, or the material incarnation, or the sinusoidal wave within which we were created, which determined our forms. The second part of it means the sign of the phi, phe, which means the field of the bull or the shape of the opener that was mentioned in the story of Adam and Dialogue.
The last part of the word, which ends with re, means earth or land
America's near future is not good at all, especially the states located in its center. Therefore, the famous Simpson series predicted the destruction of the same city on whose land the Sapphire Ball was built, while giving an imaginary date for the event.
No one knows exactly when it will happen. But it will definitely happen soon and it will be so great that the victim will make her executioner cry.
All the nations that plundered will very soon give their people a difficult reckoning. But it always begins with disappointed nations that have lost the integrity of their existence and turned into an unproductive burden, and this is what our people are currently exposed to.
Do not let the upcoming devastation of others make you forget that you are devastated in the first place. Therefore, we do not wish for humanity to suffer further defeats. My advice to overcome such matters is not to be influenced by the collective consciousness, which loves to exaggerate matters, modify the news, and inflate the numbers.
The media practices a technique called necromedia, which is to occupy your mind with the material, its products, and its heroes. This causes poisoning of the soul by destabilizing the certainty of activating the ability to embody this substance or product in its reality.
These next lines are beautifully mysterious words that define wisdom and how to reach it. They are a quote from an ancient book written with a Hermetic touch.
The sentence says:
“Wisdom is the best choice and consists of spontaneous, intelligent submission to logic and not passion. It comes through long work on the wet path.”
It's all easy, easy and beautiful, but we stop here a lot at the last five words, which take seven years to understand their meaning.
You wait 7 years and you may not understand as usual, or will you engage your brain and understand the meaning of a word and a letter?!
Please ignore any text I write unless it describes your essence. These words describe your essence because you are an aquatic being par excellence, living in a water dimension, and it is well known that water has the ability to shape anything, but only temporarily. Therefore, you are temporary and mortal unless you realize the greatness of your existence and that you far exceed the law of possibilities because you are among the honorable.
Generosity is to honor yourself and not degrade yourself with calmness and courtesy. Because taking the truth as a craft cannot be mastered by anyone who follows the apparent meaning of the text and is unable to break this apparent meaning by rearranging only the letters, not the words.
Don't rearrange a written or spoken sentence. Neither you are a magician nor a spy, and God bless your story, and you want to return intact as you came. So forget everything and be nothing until the eye of the floating grape leaves you.
Let migratory birds prepare to return to their homelands
Soon the homeland will no longer be a stranger.
Some blows remain, passing through them as if they did not exist, because they will quickly be forgotten from the memory of the herd. There is no harm to you personally if you do not speak, because your vote is elected in every event, not just government elections. This is called necromedia. It is a new term for the Arab and even European mentality in order to guide us to those who suffer from the Khawaja complex.
Did you know what an ambassador means? Is it still a fool?!